The Ultimate Patagonia Adventure Guide

My mission is to make your travels to the end of the world as fun, exciting and stress-free as possible by providing you with expert, firsthand information on planning your ultimate Patagonia outdoor adventure. The wild is calling!

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51° South is a proud partner of the Torres del Paine Legacy Fund, a nonprofit initiative that works to promote tourism as a vehicle for sustainable good in Torres del Paine National Park and its surrounding communities. By working with local businesses, volunteers, and the public sector, the Legacy Fund implements locally-led sustainability action projects that seek to minimize visitor impacts and ensure the long-term future of the destination.

Find out more about how you can get involved:


Planning a trip to somewhere as remote as Patagonia can be daunting

Patagonia is perhaps the most awe-inspiring and beautiful natural place on the planet. However, its also very logistically challenging, and not planning properly can leave you in a tight spot and can even be dangerous. I’ve used my extensive research and firsthand experience to create the ultimate Patagonia adventure guide so you can rest easily knowing that you are prepared for the outdoor trip of a lifetime!


Ready to start packing?

I’ve compiled lists of our favorite gear for the ever changing conditions of Patagonian weather. I’ve got lists for all budgets; from the frugal hiker to the backpacker with the gear that’s the envy of the trail. I’ll tell you exactly what to bring, what to leave at home, and what we couldn’t live without. I’ll also tell you what’s easy to find in Patagonia, and what might be a little tougher (hint: peanut butter is NOT a common item).


“There’s a whisper on the night-wind, there’s a star agleam to guide us, and the wild is calling, calling…let us go.”

— Robert Williams Service

Have a specific question we have not answered? Feel free to drop us a line on the contact page!